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Values and Personal Mission Statement

What are my values?

I’d like to think the two most important values to me are kindness and family.

Kindness is an all-encompassing value to me because if you do something in kindness, then chances are it will be the right, generous, and gracious thing to do. I also value kindness because it seems so rare in the world today. We focus on things that are negative and painful and often overlook the positive things, which is why when I see kindness in action it makes me appreciate it even more.

The old saying “Blood runs thicker than water” is a short way to describe how I feel about family. In the end there are only a few people who are always going to have my back, and that’s my family.

Mission statement:

This may sound cliché but I honestly feel that my mission statement is “Making a Difference”.

My motivating goal is to make a difference in the world with whatever I am doing, whether it’s photography, going to school to become a doctor, or simply being alive. I want to leave a mark on this world.

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