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Where am I going?

The answer to this question is " I have no idea".

I fee like admitting that is the first step to figuring out what I want to do and where I am going. When I was applying for colleges last year I wanted to believe that I had everything planned out, but now that I'm here I have realized that I have no clue.

If step one is admitting that you have no clue what you are doing, then step two must be doing something about it. Right now, my largest question lies in my career and education. Next semester, I am planning to take psychology, which has always interested me but I have never really been able to look into it. I feel like taking this class will allow me to either pursue psychology more or learn that its really not for me.

Finally, with all the change that is going on in my life, my goal is not to fight it, but accept what live gives me and make the best of it. No one can predict where they will end up, so I'm going to put my half in and let the universe take care of the rest.

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