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My Latest Endeavor

I am one of those people that have no problem trying new things or starting projects. However, I am one of those people that have issues finishing what I've started. I believe this is why photography has become so special for me; every time it seems like I would have lost interest in it, I find something else to love about taking photos. So, in honor of that I am choosing a project that will allow me to further grow as a photographer.

For a long time I have avoided Photoshop as if it were some tropical disease. That attitude, however, is changing this semester. For my collo project I am going to learn to use Photoshop, specifically for retouching portraits. This includes editing skin tone and texture, removing blemishes, and using creative color grading techniques.

To achieve this goal I have already started reading articles and watching tutorials on the different methods out there. Later down the line I will be posting before and after images so you and I can clearly see the progress that is, hopefully, being made.

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